Melissa N.

“When we first met, I had a plethora of stuck grief that was expressing itself in a variety of symptoms.  My nervous system was in hyper-vigilance mode and I was unable to relax  despite many techniques and a breadth of knowledge in this area.  I could not decipher which of my symptoms were connected to the grief and which were physical issues needing to be addressed at that level.  Since working with you, I have felt my system relax in all the places we touched on in our sessions.  I have also been in touch with my emotions and definitely, finally in the grief process.  It is uncomfortable and painful yet also a relief to finally be feeling and experiencing movement again!

My goals were:

1. To be pain free, have fluid mobility and to be able to drive regularly.

Report: My pain has improved as has my mobility.  I am more able to do daily activities that I used to depend on others for such as washing my own sheets and making my bed.  This is a huge step toward freedom for me and a major recovery marker.  Two weeks ago, I started driving short distances beyond weekly trips to physical therapy.  And last week, I took myself to the grocery store for the first time in a year and a half.  I moved slowly and thoughtfully and paid particular attention to my brain’s reactions to each reach and movement.  Although I still need to be careful, I feel more confident in my capacity to continue toward progress with ongoing work and support toward this goal.  I feel hopeful most days which is essential for recovery.

2. To be energized, in love with life, productive

Report: My productivity has improved some, such as I was able to apply to graduate school which required a great deal of organization and writing.  My energy levels are lowered by the grief that is now available for me to feel, but this feels like progress to be going through this and ultimately will lead to more energy.  The grief was always there, and I am so grateful it can finally come out.

3. Freedom to eat a variety of grains and occasional sweets

Report: I am eating more grains, and feel less symptoms or reactivity to them.  I believe my nervous system being on high alert was contributing to a variety of digestive problems including candida.  I also believe candida is connected to stuck grief.  I still need to watch what I eat and have less grains than most average persons, but I no longer feel trapped in a bland diet. I feel a great deal more freedom in what I eat which also improves my enjoyment in life.

4. I wanted to be surrounded by more powerful, nourishing and helpful/supportive women.

Report: This was a particularly powerful transformation for me that I am still benefiting from.  Since we have done specific sessions on trust, I have deepened the relationships to the women already in my life into new unexpected levels.  I have also added a couple of new women friends with interests in developing more.  I am very happy with the results of our initial work on this.  I can see how helpful it would be to continue to look at it.  B.E.S.T. really helped me with this, there is no doubt.


I clearly felt a difference after every session in my nervous system, my body, my energy system and my overall emotional and mood states.  There is no question in my mind that B.E.S.T. assisted me through a critical break through from hyper arousal and stress into the grief I had been so clearly needing to meet, which ultimately has led to some important breakthroughs in my health.

As a trauma recovery specialist in the alternative health care world, I had many tools, techniques, trainings and understandings to help me get to and work with my grief, but I still couldn’t access what was needing to be seen, felt and heard at unconscious levels, and thus my own natural abilities to heal on other levels were also being blocked.

Our sessions were like keys to locked doors that helped me to gently open to a greater connection to myself and Spirit that then opened the gates for further healing which is continuing to unfold.  I would love to continue to incorporate B.E.S.T. into my ongoing spiritual, mental, physical and energetic health care routine.  My system really responds to the gentle and easy methods of B.E.S.T. with your compassionate and nurturing approach.”

robynMelissa N.